Friday, June 29, 2007

FREE Equifax, Experian, TransUnion Credit Report

Because of recent laws passed by the Federal Trade Commission, all major credit reporting agencies in the United States, including Equifax, TransUnion, Experian (formerly TRW), are required to provide consumers (that's you!) with a totally free copy of their credit reports, if requested, up to once every 12 months. This means that you can acquire a 100% free credit report from any of these three major credit reporting companies once every year. It has never been easier or cheaper to stay on top of your credit report and score than today.

Everyone should check their credit report! It's FREE

There really is no good reason why you shouldn't check your credit report, at least once a year. Knowing what is in your credit report and your credit score can save you time and money when shopping for a loan or lease. Also, it is an excellent idea to frequently check your credit report for errors, out of date information, fraud, or identity theft. All of these wrongful entries can negatively effect your over all credit score, tarnishing your reputation and relationships with banks and lenders.

All three of the major credit reporting agencies can be contacted for a free annual credit report by going to their official website: They may also be contacted individually, online or by regular postal mail; however, be aware that when going to one of their individual websites (,, ) they will require you to also sign up for an account and other services to receive your credit report. So your best bet is to not deal with them through their commercial sites, and instead use the site.

How Do I Get a Free Online Credit Check?

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Repair Your Bad Credit First, Buy Your Car Later

Bad credit spoils everything – your dreams for a new house, new car, student loan, any kind of loan. If you have fallen into the debt trap, the best thing to do is to repair your bad credit first and to go shopping later.

Many people will not follow this advice especially if they want to buy a new car. Probably the main reason is that first of all a car is not a high value purchase and second – they do not want to wait. Of course financing for buying a car with a bad credit history is available. It is a separate question who will provide it and if the terms will be as good as they can be if the credit score was OK.

For those who want to repair their bad credit, here are a few tips about how to achieve this.

The first thing to do is to get a copy of your credit report. Get an annual copy and check it thoroughly. You will easily see which loan or loans caused the bad credit score. Try to sort them out by making a repayment plan. You can ask the creditor to do it for you or to ask an independent company to do it. No matter who will make the plan, be honest about your incomes so that a reasonable and realistic plan to be made and start paying the repayment fees regularly. Missing the final repayment date also harms your credit history.

The next steps depend on the type of debt you have. If you have credit card debt you can try applying for a new card and start using it carefully while repaying the old debts. You good "behavior" will count when your credit score is reviewed.

The last resort to "start clean" is to file bankruptcy. This will clean some or all of your debt but will leave a huge ugly stain in your credit history. Of course people who bankrupt can fix their credit score but the time required for this is much more.

Once you have a plan and have taken steps to rebuild your credit score, be accurate and patient. Your bad credit will turn into something from the past quickly if you stay current with outstanding bills, repayments and any other financial issues. Always check the monthly statements and plan in advance how to pay all of your bills in time. If you find you are not earning enough, that cut off your budget. This is not the most pleasant thing but it wil help in the long run.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

How to get a Free Online Credit Check

Knowing your credit score can save you from the embarrassment of being declined for that loan, car lease, or mortgage, as well save you thousands of dollars. So how do you find out your credit score for free? Read on to find out!

What Exactly is a Credit Report?

A credit report consists of a detailed list of your credit history maintained by one of three main US credit reporting agencies: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. You can imagine it as a report card that holds information on all of your current and past financial activities. When you apply for a loan, the lender requests your credit report from one or all of these agencies and uses it to help determine whether or not to approve your loan. All of the factors in your credit report are used to calculate what is know as your "credit score" which is between 300 and 850, the higher it is the better.

Why Should I Check My Credit Score?

Checking you credit report might seem like a difficult and expensive task to carry out, and in the past it usually was, but with recent advances in modern technology, namely the internet, checking your credit score online is simple and FREE! The Federal Trade Commission requires all of the major national credit reporting companies to provide consumers (that's you!) with a totally free copy of their credit report if requested, up to once every 12 months.

Now that you know that facts about obtaining your free online credit check, here are a few of the reasons why you should take advantage of this opportunity:

1. Help Prevent Identity Theft and Fraud.

Identity theft occurs when a criminal uses your personal information, such as your credit card number or Social Security number, to carry out fraudulent activities. When you obtain your credit report you are able to check over your credit history and make sure that no one has negatively affected your credit score through identity theft. If you do happen to find any fraudulent activities or inaccurate information on your report, you can contact the credit report agency or credit card company involved, and have them correct this inaccurate information.

2. Avoid Embarrassing Credit Surprises.

Which way would you rather find out you have less than perfect credit; when the bank or car dealer tells you so in their office, possibly in front of your friends or family, or when you request a credit report in the privacy of your own home? Knowing your credit score is the best way to avoid being put into an uncomfortable or down right embarrassing situation. Not to mention it can save you bundles of time. Knowing your credit score, and what is on your credit report, will help you make more informed decisions in a vast array of financial situations.

3. Correct Inaccurate Information.

It has been reported that approximately 1 in 4 credit reports contain serious errors, many bad enough to impact the consumer's eligibility to obtain a loan. Credit reporting agencies have very sophisticated and precise credit reporting protocols, but nothing is 100% foolproof and mistakes do happen. Sometimes outdated information will remain on your credit report longer than it is supposed to, negativity impacting your overall credit score. Obtaining a free online credit check is a great way to make sure your information is correct and up to date, before applying for a loan or new credit card.

How Do I Get a Free Online Credit Check?

Monday, June 25, 2007

Bad Credit Consumers Could Still Access Cheap Borrowing

Despite an increasing number of professionals aged in their 30s or 40s reported to be forced to take out a sub-prime loan, borrowers could still be able to access a competitively priced secured loan in the future it has been suggested.

According to research conducted by GMAC-RFC, about three-quarters of those with a sub-prime mortgage are aged between 35 and 54, reports the Times.

This figure was attributed to those in the age group suffering a damaged credit report due to missing credit card repayments or failing to reorganize finances after an event such a divorce.

As a result, potential borrowers were reported to be unable to access a cheap home loan and thus have to look to a bad credit loan which attracts a higher rate of interest.

However, a financial expert has indicated that consistently making repayments while on a bad credit loan can help consumers repair their credit rating and get access to cheaper borrowing in the future.

James Cotton from London & Country Mortgages told the publication: "If you can make the payments for the length of the sub-prime deal, the chances are that you could have repaired your credit record sufficiently to take out a prime deal next time."

Meanwhile, Savills Private Finance spokesperson Melanie Bien suggested that those with "one or two blips, such as missed credit card payments" should still be able to get a competitively-priced secured loan.

Earlier this year, James Jones, consumer affairs manager for Experian, advised consumers who are considering applying for a bad credit loan should first obtain a copy of their credit report.

He claimed that such a document can help borrowers identify where a change in circumstances, such as redundancy or illness, has affected their ability to pay off debts - which in turn could determine what rate of interest loan lenders decide to charge.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Saving - Is The Magic of Wealth Building

Saving As A Wealth Tool

Saving, everyone wants to save but why don't people save more? There are many reasons to why people do not save more, yet there is a simple solution, and people need to find the ways that they can save in order to build their wealth or improve their finances.

Saving money should be on every working person's mind. I am sure that not everyone wants to work all their lives and the earlier they start to save the better. I say this because saving is a good thing for everyone and when you start early, you can take better advantage of the compounding interest or dividends you earn on the money you have in savings. This is passive income. However, putting money away needs to be made simple and automatic. David Bach teaches you just how to make saving money automatic in his book The Automatic Millionaire.

The saving vehicles that can make anyone rich are your job, your credit, your retirement account like 401ks, IRAs, SEOGs, your home, etc. These are wealth-building tools you can use to save money and to generate passive income. There are others but they do not fall under the saving category. For instance, investing, Real Estate, owning your own home, and your own business. All of these should be part of your savings plan or program. Two great books will teach you more about these and they are The Automatic Millionaire by David Bach and by Jennifer Openshaw. Oh, use your LifeNet for your success.

Wealth Building & Cash Flow

Saving money is a magical wealth-building tool that many people have been overlooking for centuries. Why is the question? The answer to this question is complex. For some people, it may not be just one particular problem. It could be many like a low-wage job, an undisciplined shopper, lack of financial knowledge, and people living above their means. This list can go on and on; however, the main problem is "Cash Flow." As Adam Bourque stated in his article, "Cash flow is a concept that is not taught in high school or even in most colleges and yet it's essential to understanding wealth accumulation and asset growth." Cash flow needs to be taught in schools both high school and in colleges as a mandatory finance class. Robert Kiyoski teaches this in his books, seminars, and board games. Keep in mind that cash flow can be either negative or positive. If you have more income coming in than going out then you have a positive cash flow. However, to build your wealth you will need to have income producing products and services like Real Estate (own home), investments, owning your own business. I hope that it will be a low cost start fee opportunity if you decide to start your own business.

One of the quickest ways to start your own home based business is to start a direct selling business. Simply find a unique product or service that you love and use every month then share the product and your experience with others. I suggest you take Jennifer's millionaire zone survey to find out where you stand as a budding entrepreneur. Also, use her 30 get started plan. Go to www.

Another, concept to use is to switch to money saving products and service products that you usually purchase at the super market and buy them from a direct selling company as an independent associate. The money you can make with one of these opportunities is amazing. You save on the product your purchase for your own consumption and you can earn residual income all in one shot.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Four Great Success Principles that Will Help You to Achieve Your Life Goals

"The toughest thing about success is that you've got to keep on being a success."- Irving Berlin

Every single person on the planet Earth goes through a period in life in which they are stuck in second gear, and then stay stuck in that position for many, many years. It doesn't have to be that way for you if you are brave enough to change your day-to-day habits that have caused you to not be able to move forward in life.

Even when you feel that you are achieving decent career goals, you need to visualize an even greater lifestyle than the one you currently enjoy so you can achieve greater success.

A good success principle that you can start using today would be to get up an hour earlier than usual and educate yourself on a subject that you can apply to your personal life or business success. This could mean taking an online business course in sales methods or you could take a course in PowerPoint so you can get ahead at your job, which will result in a pay increase if you can tackle the advanced skill level of PowerPoint. Just start doing three things in your life differently so you can shake up your existence in life immediately, even if that means moving to a city that will pay you more for whatever career you currently have.

It's amazing how powerful a business plan can be in a company's overall success, so you really need to apply this success principle to your own career and personal goals as well. You need to list specific factors in your life that would allow you to generate the best methods in accomplishing your life goals. A list of 10 things you need to change in your life is a great way to start reaching logical steps you need to take today to get that ultimate goal realized tomorrow.

Even if you can only change five things in your life that you have written down, you are still five steps closer in getting that second stream of cash revenue coming to your bank account that you have been dreaming of for the last few years, which means eventually you will be able to quit your dreaded main job and just concentrate on achieving more monetary success by increasing the dollar amount of that second stream of money coming to you every month.

it is just human nature to fear change in your life, but to really apply these important success principles, you HAVE to put all of your fear of the unknown in the back of your mind and just go for the real goals in your life that will bring you ultimate happiness. It will be a huge shock to you when you have started educating yourself on a different career path or have started earning another revenue stream, when you realize that you were stuck in first gear for the entire past seven years and now you are propelling yourself forward in life faster than a 2007 Corvette!

Yes, that is what will start happening to you within the first few months of taking charge of your life and implementing these success principles that will change everything around you for the better. Your previous views on what success really means to you will change forever just by taking one day out of your busy work schedule and educating yourself on a better way to deal with your financial matters which have gotten you $40,000 in credit card debt. Once you have determined that you need to consult a debt consolidation company that will gladly help you out for free, you have taken a major step in reigning in your out-of-control financial crisis.

There comes a certain time in everyone's life when you have two choices to make:
1. Keep blaming everybody else for your troubles in life and continue on the same path that has lead you to total disaster.
2. Own up to the fact that you are responsible for your own life and it's time to change your life for the better starting today!

If you want to achieve success in life, it is all resting on your shoulders right now. Success principles can only work for you if you work for them. There is no guardian angel looking after you that will help you reduce your debt or help you attain a new job that pays $1000,000 a year. No, you have to figure out the exact career or personal path you need take to achieve those realistic goals of yours and guide yourself into that position as quickly as possible. You need to have a sense of urgency in this goal reaching task because you will fail otherwise.

The best way to overcome fear and achieve overall life success is to be aware every day that time is ticking off your calendar, and every second counts in life. A realistic time frame in changing your everyday lifestyle is the only thought process that will help put these excellent success principles to work for you today.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Debt Relief - Understanding Your Debt

When you are laying there at night wondering how you are going to meet the car payments this month because you have to pay off a certain amount on that credit card that just will not stop calling you, do you really understand your debts and know exactly what you owe? One of the big problems with debt is that many people overlook certain aspects of the debt when they are trying to work out their own plan.

A debt is where you owe money to someone else, doesn't matter if it is a family member, a friend or a major credit organization the fact remains that you have a debt and you need to pay it back. Many people fall into the trap of borrowing money from an unsecured source to get the money they need quickly and easily.

One way to get money quickly is to take out what is known as a PayDay Loan, someone will lend you money until your pay check arrives and you can then pay that money back. Is it worth it? Well personally I don't think so these companies charge a lot of interest and if you need to continuously roll this debt over month after month then you will come up against massive charges, in some cases up to 800% interest!

Only ever borrow what you can afford to pay back, if you have your own home then consider a home equity loan to release some of the funds that you have in the value of your property. A home equity loan offers a lower interest rate than a payday loan or a unsecured loan and definitely lower than a credit card. Your home is an amazing asset when it comes to borrowing.

If you put a deposit down on your home of $25,000 and your property is worth $250,000 then chances are that you have equity in your home. The housing market has been on the rise for many years and it is very unusual for homes to be worth less than what they were paid for originally.

Understanding your debts and how to get out of them is very important to you and your family. Your personality changes and your relationships change if you are not dealing with your debts properly and you could end up in a lot more debt than you currently are if you do not get the problems on the road to recovery.

Debt counselors are experts in helping people work their way out of debt, they give advice on where you could be saving money, how to get your creditors off your back as well as how to stop that debt getting any bigger than it is already.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Pros and Cons of Debt Relief Council

There is no perfect debt relief council program out there. However, there are some good non profit groups that will offer some very helpful advice that may get you on track. Staying on track is the key to any good debt relief plan. This article will examine the various helpful aspects of finding good debt relief council.

Slice and Dice Your Credit Cards

When you enter into a relationship for credit relief council you will most likely be asked to get rid of your credit cards. The counselor may even go the extent of asking to cut them up right there in the office! The ease of getting credit cards is one of the main problems with debt.

Put Those Credit Card Offers In The Trash

You may get those credit card offers all the time – you know the ones. They make it sound so simple to get their cards and often times they are simple, but then you will be tempted to use them. If you find good debt relief council they can help you to escapes these offers for a while, but they will keep coming long after your counsel is over.

Make a List and Check It Twice

You absolutely must list every single expense you have and keep very accurate records of every dime you spend. Debt relief council will set you straight and help you to generate an effective list of expense and then help you to weed out the bad ones. You must stay on a strict budget until you have control, but be sure to have a plan for when things do look better so you do not fall backwards into debt again.

Finding help for your debt is possible, and debt relief council can help many people to gain freedom from debt. You must be disciplined to stay on track or the problem will never end.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Importance of the FICO Score

What is a FICO score and why is it so important? For those in the credit industry, knowing what a FICO score is can help a lot in maintaining a healthy lending business. That is because the FICO score is being used in order to assess a person's credit worthiness. Lending money to people is always a risky endeavor. Lenders always have the fear of never ever getting back the money that they have loaned. And because it is a business, lending institutions can only make a profit if borrowers actually make the payments on the money that they loaned. For them, it is very important to know about an individual's borrowing as well as debt payment behavior before they can ever decide on handing out the money in the form of a loan or other types of credit.

Creditworthiness of an individual is something that lending institutions really want to know before they ever want to decide of loaning any amount of money. And the best way to do that is by knowing the FICO score and what it represents in terms of an individual's credit behavior and pattern. And just what is a FICO score? It is simply a way of being able to measure an individual's creditworthiness without requiring the lending institutions access to an individual's income history or employment status and, in a way, being able to maintain a person's privacy in some way.

What is a FICO score and how did it come to be? It was originally developed by the Fair Isaac Company in order to help the credit industry assess individuals applying for credit. The FICO score is calculated taking into consideration certain factors that determine one's credit behavior. Such factors included in calculating for the FICO score include one's credit history, current credit owed, the length of the credit history, recent loans applied for as well as the various types of credit each individual has obtained. The FICO score is now widely used by major credit reporting agencies in providing lending institutions with a credit report on individuals applying for a loan, getting a mortgage or trying to get approved for a credit card. Credit card providers and banks also use the FICO score in order to determine credit limits and the setting of interest rates.

Before an individual's FICO score can be calculated, he or she must at least have one credit account open and active for a minimum of six months. This is the bare minimum of information that is needed for calculating an individual's FICO score, although it would still be a long way from being considered credit worthy. Most lenders prefer to see an individual having minimum of three or four credit accounts that have been maintained for at least 12 months. This is what banks look for in providing large lines of credit and mortgages to its clients.

What is a FICO score in terms of your credit worthiness? A FICO score is rated at scale from 300 to 850. The accepted median for the FICO score is around 720. FICO scores that are 725 and above are considered good scores while those found below 600 are considered bad. Making sure that one keeps his or her FICO score high would ensure that lenders would approve of credit or loans being applied for.

Monday, June 11, 2007

The Fastest Way to Build Wealth

The fastest way to build wealth is to have a written plan. Many people wish they could increase their wealth but they stop there. Just by writing out your goals and plan on paper you make your dream more concrete.

If you don't have written goals you need to start right now, especially when it comes to your personal wealth goals. It has been proven time and time again that people who have written goals achieve more than people who only have them in their minds.

To create your wealth plan you need to start off with where you are at. To figure out where you are at you need to know your net worth. Your net worth is just your assets minus your debts.

Next figure out what your goal is. If your goal is to get out of debt, set a specific timeline with specific steps needed to get out of debt. When I was in debt I bought a large dry erase board and wrote all my debts on it with the % interest.

Seeing it written everyday helps you stick with your plan. Now that I am out of debt I am trying to accelerate my wealth by trying to increase my income.

My written goal is to be financially independent by creating income equal to my salary at work. By knowing my goal I know how much income I need to create each day, and it seems much more manageable.

For example if you earn $40,000 a year you just need to earn $110 a day. When you break down large goals like that they seem very manageable.

Start right now by figuring out your personal wealth plan. You deserve the best that life has to offer. Remember life was not meant to be a barely get experience.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

How To Make $500 Cash Within The Next 5 Minutes? You Definitely Don't Want To Miss This!

Can you imagine that much money that quick? Sounds impossible isn't it? Well this is what millions of people out there are doing and this is a small secret how those millionaires make quick money online. Now you might say it might require a lot of work or maybe you have to be a wiz kid for that. Well nothing like that all you need is a computer, an internet connection and a chair to sit on. It's so easy that even a small kid can do it. Read on to find out how you can make it work for you as well.

Well ever heard of free money? Yes that's right money can be free as well. There are thousands of offers out there which provide you with free money. Many people are oblivious to these things and it is only known by a few who in fact enjoy the benefits of it each single day. Think about it this way what if you were given a grand genie with unlimited amount of wishes? You could ask for almost anything and get it delivered to you right away. Now this must sound impossible to many people out there as most of us are limited in our outlook. But it is being very wisely used and employed by people out there and they are enjoying the benefits of it.

Ever seen those companies offering a large amount of money to review their product or to fill out a survey at a mall or at the supermarket? Yes but that is offline. This is the new innovative idea of the large companies. They made it simpler for them and for you. All they need is some sort of an opinion from you online. And they would be ready to pay you a very decent amount for you opinion.

Next question you might ask is what do I actually need to do? Well like I said it's not rocket science and does not require any special skills or talents. It only involves filling up of simple forms and answering some questions.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Specialist Debt Advice For Free

Are you in debt? Is your life spiralling out of control because of your debt? Are you scared to admit to other people that you have got a debt problem? If you have answered yes to one or more of these questions then this article could well prove to be beneficial for you. I am going to be giving advice to help people who are in debt, advice which I am confident will prove to be very useful to its readers.

It is a tough scenario, your outgoings are higher than what you earn. You are only able to pay the minimum repayment amounts from you credit card or loan debts and on some months are not abe to even do this. You could not be working harder but each month the debt problem gets worse. You feel like you are letting your whole family down, you feel ashamed of yourself and are unsure of what to do next. You are scared to tell your husband/wife/partner for obvious reasons. Christmas is just around the corner, how will I be able to afford all of the presents? Does this sound familiar?

It is now time to forget the fear, something has to be done. Firstly, however hard it might be you have to tell your husband/wife/partner. Of course it will be a massive shock to them, of course they will be angry, of course they will have a go at you. Despite all of this you have to do it. They are likely to act in a negative manner in the short term but may well come up with some answers or solutions after the initial shock has warn off.

Secondly, seek professional help. In the UK we have some great companies such as payplan who can prove to be a huge help for people who are in debt. They have seen similar problems to the one you have a million times before. They will contact the companies that you are in debt to and will ask them to freeze the interest on the debt. They will tell these companies that you want to repay the debt and will negotiate an affordable repayment scheme for you.

Keep your chin up there are many people who can help you to become free from debt.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Credit Repair - Overcoming Fear

Overcoming Avoidance

There is nothing funny about credit repair fear. Well, maybe it would be humorous if the side effect were not so potentially devastating. Do you know anyone who can't seem to get themselves to the dentist? Years slip by. Eventually they make their appearance at the dentist office holding their head and moaning with the pain of a toothache. Millions of consumers have the same relationship with their credit reports.

Everything Counts

I wince at the sound of the dentist drill. I understand. But there are some things that need to be taken care of. If you wait until there is a serious problem before taking action you may discover that the price of inaction is well beyond your means. Your credit report affects everything in your life. A regular course of maintenance is in order. Did you know that over 70% of all credit reports contain errors? Did you know that even innocuous looking errors like account opening dates can have a major impact on your credit?

The Ripple Effect

In a recent blog entry I wrote, "You should not overlook the myriad items that are determined by your credit scores. Your automobile loan payment, like your mortgage payment, ripples through your lifestyle by limiting other purchase choices that you make. Credit cards, personal loans, debt consolidation loans, home equity loans; all count."

It all Adds Up

This ripple effect should not be underestimated. A positive swing of fifty points in your credit score can translate into thousands of extra dollars in your pocket each year. Every single dollar of savings is a dollar that is available for other things that you would like to do with your life. The right decisions about maintaining your credit report can easily send you on a Caribbean vacation, pay for your night classes, send your children to a better school, or maybe just get you that new big screen television that you want.

The First Easy Step

So, given the importance of your credit, it would make sense to find a way to steel your nerves for the job of a comprehensive review of all three of your credit reports. Let's take the first step. The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act, in response to the frightening number of errors that continue to appear on consumer's credit reports forced all three credit bureaus to provide a free copy of your report each year. Take advantage of this law. Go to and get all three reports. Once you have your reports you are on your way. Don't think too far ahead. There are a couple of handy tricks that will make the job easy, even for those with a paralyzing fear of paperwork.

Organization is the Key

The key to getting through the job of credit repair is organization. Don't bother trying to deal with all three reports at one time. Sit down with one report. Get a nice clean legal size pad and a pen. Don't jump ahead to the derogatory section. Start at the top and work your way down line by line. Check every thing. Account opening dates, high credit limits, duplicate accounts, current balances; all are important.

One Report at a Time

Each time you find something that is wrong make a note on your pad. Each report comes with dispute instructions. Follow the instructions and dispute every item that you noted. I suggest that you leave the other two reports for another day. There are no economies of scale to assaulting all three reports at one time. Each bureau needs to be attacked individually.

Less is More

Take your time and address each dispute as clearly as you can. It should be helpful to know that the credit bureaus do not want to hear the story of your life. They also do not want to hear any explanations. Just say what you need to say. Be neat. If you take your time the experience should be painless and you should get very satisfactory results.

It's Your Life

If you simply can't make your way though the job you should hire a good credit repair company to do the job for you. Credit repair should be very affordable and should never lock you in for any pre-determined period of time. Your credit is very important. You work hard for your money. Make sure that your credit report is working just as hard for you.

Copyright © 2007 James W. Kemish. All Content. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Cash Advance Until Payday - Emergency Cash Loan

Cash advance until payday loan comes to your rescue when you need quick cash for an emergency. Uncertainties of life do not spare any one. You do not know when you have to pay for a medical bill and have no money in your pocket. You just can't delay the payment. So, cash advance until payday comes as an alternative when no other financial resources seem to be available.

More Than 22,000 Loan Providers

The United States alone has a huge number of cash until payday loan lenders. According to an estimate there are more than 22,000 companies offering this type of facility. Payday loan as an industry has been acknowledge legally in at least 36 states. That is why finding a company that suits you most is not at all a difficult task.

Once you select the company, apply for the loan, and you will have the required amount of money in your account within hours. This is exactly what has made these loans so popular across the country. People with emergency cash requirements can breathe normally with this instant solution to their temporary problems.

Quick Approval

Cash advance until payday loan allow you to borrow an amount up to one thousand dollars. This could be a very good amount in times of financial crisis. To get quick approval you have to furnish evidence for your income and bank account.

There is no waiting period because lenders perform no credit checks. However, it is better if you go through the terms and conditions of the company forwarding you the loan before submitting your application.

Easy Comparison

With most cash advance lenders going online, drawing a comparison of different loan providers is no longer a difficult task. Getting quotes from several lenders is a matter of only a few minutes. There is a variation in the interest rates charged by various companies. That is why making little efforts in the beginning may save significant amount of money later. It is truer in case you delay the repayment of the loan amount.

A reputable lender must display terms and conditions clearly in their website. They often have chatting facility in addition to telephone numbers so you can ask the customer service as to what the lender has to offer. It is also a good idea to read frequently asked questions if available in their website to give you a better idea how they deliver the service.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Christian Debt Reduction - A More Humane Approach

There is no doubt in anyone's mind that getting deep into debt is a very stressful time. For one, the mind of the debtor is troubled and filled with worry about how he will be able to pay his bills and adequately address his basic needs at the same time. He could also be thinking of how he will be able to provide for his family's needs given the financial condition that he is facing.

And then, there is the feeling of insecurity and paranoia that could be plaguing him. He is often wary of answering the knock on the door or picking up the phone when it rings; the person on the other side of the door or on the other line could be a creditor's agent who came to collect for payment that the debtor cannot deliver. Maybe he could not bear to look at other people's eyes anymore out of fear of finding out whether or not they whisper behind his back about the debt problem he is facing and how "irresponsible" he is.

In the process of making good the payments due to them, creditors and collectors alike sometimes forget that the debtor is a human being, subject to being hurt, humiliated and bewildered by the financial trouble he is facing. That is why there are Christian debt reduction agencies around. They aim to address debt reduction in a more humane way.

Christian debt reduction agencies are non-profit companies certified and recognized by Christian churches and Christian debt organizations. These Christian debt reduction companies claim that their methods and services are based on Biblical principles. They do not just aim for debt reduction; their end goal is to get their clients to rebuild their creditability.

Another trait that sets Christian debt reduction agencies apart from other debt settlement companies is that Christian debt reduction companies try to dig the reason behind the accumulation of debt and attempt to help their clients get over it. They understand that compulsive and irresponsible spending is not always the reason why debtors get deep into debt. The debt could be a result of the client losing his job, getting an illness or accident that forced him to stop working for a long period, or if there is a sudden death in the family that the debtor was not prepared for.

Because Christian debt reduction companies are non-profit organizations, oftentimes they charge lower monthly payments at a reduced percentage of interest. Also, the client usually has the option to settle this monthly payment at any day he can make it, without worrying about facing late payment penalty fees or over-limit charges. Christian debt reduction companies also try to work out a reduction of debt of up to 50% to 70% from their client's creditors in behalf of their client. Once terms have been reached in negotiation, the period for debt settlement often takes three to six years.

For the downtrodden debtor who is tired of being hounded and gossiped on, going to a Christian debt reduction agency is a more humane and a more welcome alternative.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

4 Things the Best Balance Transfer Credit Cards Have in Common

Anyone who has ever dealt with balance transfer credit cards knows that some of them tend to outshine the others. In fact, the difference between one balance transfer credit card and another can be like the difference between night and day.

So how do you determine which balance transfer credit cards are the good ones and which aren't? By looking for these four telltale signs.

1. A Low Interest Rate

Almost all balance transfer credit cards have a low interest rate when you sign up for the card, but the best balance transfer credit cards have interest rates that stay low.

Oftentimes consumers jump at the chance to transfer their credit card balances to a card with a impressively-low interest rate, not realizing that the rate jumps up after six months or so. If you do this, once the introductory period ends, you may be in worse shape than you were before.

If you have a $3,000 balance on your credit card and you're paying 16.99 percent, it can be tempting to search for balance transfer credit cards with a 0-percent introductory rate. But ask yourself -- what is the interest rate going to be when that 0-percent period is over? If it's higher than 16.99 percent, do you really want to transfer your balance to that card?

Instead of worrying about a low-interest introductory period, look for balance transfer credit cards that offer a low interest rate for the long term.

2. Whatever Happened to Grace?

Do you remember the good old days? Back when a 30-day grace period was the norm? Those days are long gone. Nowadays you're lucky if you get a 20-day grace period and some credit cards aren't offering grace periods at all.

Interest isn't the only thing you should concern yourself with when looking at balance transfer credit cards. Make sure that the credit card you apply for has a grace period of no less than 20 days.

3. They Want You To Pay What?

With balance transfer credit cards competing so hard for business, you'd think they'd be willing to bend over backwards to get your account. Not so...

Surprisingly enough, many balance transfer credit cards charge a balance transfer fee to transfer your debt. Usually the fee is calculated as a percentage of the balance being transfered and, depending on how high your balance is, that fee can amount to quite the pretty penny.

Do yourself a favor -- only apply for balance transfer credit cards that don't charge a balance transfer fee. Regardless of what the other credit card companies want you to think, they ARE out there.

4. The Importance of Online Access

Most credit card companies offer online account access nowadays, but the scope of that online access and what is required to get it often differs. Some balance transfer credit cards make you pay for online account access and others charge you a fee to make payments online.

Before applying for balance transfer credit cards, make sure that the cards you are interested in offer free online account access and don't make you pay for the privilege of online payments.

With credit card debt becoming the norm and so many companies offering balance transfer solutions, it's important that you find the credit card that fits you perfectly. Don't settle for just any old balance transfer card. Pay close attention to the above four tips to find the best balance transfer credit cards on the market.